Data Privacy & Protection

The laws governing privacy have been changing almost as long as the field of privacy itself. They vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, are often interpreted in unpredictable ways, and are in a constant state of flux. Even the most well-oriented, conscientious company can make a false step when capturing, processing, transferring, and disclosing personal information. The current regulatory climate, with so many regulations being enacted or strengthened, has had a significant impact on both small and large businesses. Understanding what must be protected, the increasing number of data breaches, and the resulting fines when those regulations are violated are all part of the current privacy landscape.

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At Risk Response Africa, we make it our business to understand data privacy from all angles; the end user’s, the processor’s, the controller’s and the third parties with respect to the data lifecycle. We are experienced data privacy and cybersecurity professionals and our well tested approaches and methodologies guide our clients through the relevant data protection legislation in the jurisdictions in which they are active. We Seamlessly work with counterparts in other practice areas where feasible, and collaboratively institute a privacy management program etched in international best practice

We are committed to helping our clients build and maintain trust with their customers by safeguarding personal information and respecting privacy rights

Incident Breach Management

Privacy Information Management System

Developing a comprehensive privacy policy that outlines the organization's commitment to privacy protection and the procedures for handling personal information. This includes defining the scope of the policy, specifying the purposes for data collection and processing, and establishing guidelines for data retention, sharing, and disposal.

A Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) Program Development involves the establishment and implementation of a structured framework to manage privacy-related activities within an organization. It aims to ensure that the organization effectively handles personal information, complies with privacy regulations, and maintains the privacy rights of individuals.

At Risk Response Africa, we support organizations in the development of a robust privacy information management system etched in international best practice and aligned to the respective and applicable data privacy laws and regulations in the jurisdictions you operate in.  Our services  include:

Data Privacy Impact Assessments
Privacy Policy & Procedure development

We Conduct privacy risk assessments to identify and evaluate potential privacy risks associated with the organization's data processing activities. This includes assessing data collection practices, data storage and security measures, data sharing arrangements with third parties, and potential impacts on individuals' privacy rights.

We develop a robust incident response plan to effectively handle and manage privacy incidents and data breaches. This includes establishing procedures for incident detection, containment, investigation, notification, and remediation. It also involves ensuring compliance with legal requirements for reporting breaches to regulatory authorities and affected individuals.

Certified Data Privacy Professionals

Experienced Consultants

Course Authors

Certified Privacy in Technology Professionals

We adopt a straightforward approach. We adhere to a proven methodology that aligns with the plan-do-check-act principles. Additionally, our management services incorporate competence-building courses, empowering internal teams to effectively oversee the management system long after the consulting services have concluded.

photography of three women sits beside table inside room during daytime
photography of three women sits beside table inside room during daytime

Managed Privacy Services

At Risk Response Africa, we offer managed services for privacy information management systems (PIMS) to assist organizations in effectively managing their data privacy & protection programs without the need for internal resources and overhead costs. We see ourselves as a value-add center, aiming to enable our customers to concentrate on their core operations.

Our services include;

  • Compliance assistance, and risk management

  • Documentation support,

  • Continuous training,

  • Incident management,

  • Continuous monitoring,

  • Certification Audit Support

By outsourcing these responsibilities to us, organizations can focus on the essential aspects of their business while ensuring their information security is well-managed